this new day, claiming whole upon impact, redacted dreams about her, or she, or that other girl over there, this pair split asunder by the wonder of the breath on my tongue. conniving and tying the sexual knot tighter, we seek to defeat the elf machine madness and drown our suffering in a ring of attachment and correct erect presence of self and being, seeing these broken stolen souls, even mine, just defined by the rest and activity, but never seeing we, seeing truth, the spirit ripped and torn in two by the boys in blue, my broken back and shoulder trudge on through this dream of tricky words in a sticky keyboard, could we afford the depths of God’s graces in our dreams so blind do we even then reach out to the aspects of other and smother each other in a suckling, coupling of hearts and souls,…bodies breaching out for another in the still darkness of this night to come, undone upon her aviators and navigating eye I cry, no, weep,…for her stillness, lost in my early morning dream like steam from her perfected laundry. Pawn me. Sell me door to door for a sight of something more to come yet undone upon the shelf of a redacted attacked lovers scorn, this door, cracking open to re-amass this dash of airlessness in this. buckled, coupled, suckled and shoveled for the right to love, and love, and love some more. sliding into her like a sir destined for retribution with my past amassed pipe dreams and split seams, I listen for my Goddessship to cry and moan with her orgiastic self, flying through, quelching, spastic, wet, death defying, whore-moaning screams of agonizing pleasure, to measure the depths of that which we will call our love, smothering ourselves in ourselves, leaving only time to tell the story of we. tying the knot of our connection into the very atoms that burst into existence billions of years ago, simply to get us to meet each other. her star stuff checking my star stuff, stuffing, and untying knots, while wrapping the present of presence to one another in a matrimony of honey and liquor…19FEB2023