oh dear, the beer has spilt into spirits, fine wine, and lots of sweet sticky smoke. my whole home splitting yet again across land and sea, the speak easy gin mill hooch parlor of my dreams shelfed for punishment of a crime. redacted statements of over joyous occasion slammed to the wall for a stall of market and breadth of breath. my words don’t have to match or dance in accordance to this floor dance but simply sieve the truth from lies. my ties to that felony escaping me. running as fast as possible though dry tundra of spirit. claiming whole upon redaction my thoughts land restless in the moonlight of a temporary home that broke my back and tried to break my neck. now on to bigger and better circumstances i freeze as i speak into whole water mist. crippling circumstance and dead plants. i wonder why I trudge on through the yearning for more. exacted like a knife through my hearts infractions to the game. 5 days until release into the wild, pre-trial spinning off for a dated treatment of my service to this country. seething like breathing dragons they clench onto my being millisecond by millisecond, trenching the benched wafting of a seeming loser who can’t fit through the door. I cry no to this holding of soul, this clashing rattle for support and rapport. Dashed upon the rocks like babies breath death.